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Dan Simhony

"Trekking Into the Desert"

No experimentation convinced me that moving a piece further away will be to my disadvantage.

However, it will decrease the board value. Therefore, the proof you presented remains valid and you did not have to make that assumption.

sXe Injected



Regarding M. Vos Savant's discussion of the number 0.999..., I maintain that the number doesn't exist. Where would it be found on the number line? However, she said that the number has "no theoretical limit" and "philosophically" doesn't equal 1. In that case, it has to have some kind of independent existence, right?

geciktirici stag

geciktirici stag

Meizitang Botanical Slimming

Meizitang Botanical Slimming

göğüs büyütücü hap

göğüs büyütücü

geciktirici sprey

geciktirici sprey



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The .999... Posts That Made Me Briefly Famous

My Feeble Attempts at Humor

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