I hate it when the kids in my class ask each other what they got on their tests. I always tell them I don't want to hear it in my classroom. I think it puts a bunch of kids in an awkward position, whether they don't want to admit a bad grade or don't want to embarrass a friend because they got a good grade.
But I'm sure my hundreds of readers out there (yeah, right...hundreds) are wondering how I did on my black belt test this weekend. The answer is an annoying "probably pretty good." The 'probably' is in there because (as of about a year ago) the national organization of our branch of the martial art is requiring videotapes of all black best tests to be sent to headquarters so the top black belts can review it and be sure that a passing grade is really deserved. They claim it's just a friendly review, and I doubt they would be harsher than the live examining boards—mine included just two people, but one was the actual head of the organization, and the other was my teacher.
The head of the organization was disappointed with one part of my test, but he was disappointed with that part of the test in all three of the black belt candidates, so I think he won't hold it against me as much. I felt pretty good about the rest of the test. As I wrote last time, tests just don't really faze me anymore.
Anyway, I can't be 100% sure for a couple of weeks, but I'm about 85% sure that I just earned myself a black belt. Very strange.
Congratulations...I think. What was it about that part of the test that the head guy didn't like? What was consistently unlikable about it in all three candidates?
Posted by: caitmcq | October 31, 2005 at 03:54 AM
Thanks, I'm relieved it's over. And to answer your question...UMMMM...for one, you kind of had to be there. For another...(how to put this diplomatically?)...don't get me started.
Posted by: Polymath | October 31, 2005 at 07:06 AM
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Posted by: human hair extensions | August 12, 2011 at 10:22 AM
stag sprey
Posted by: stag sprey | May 18, 2012 at 06:03 AM